a little something of everything

IE 9 for a Mobile Broadband User

IE 9 is a huge leap for Microsoft fanatics. Users of IE 6 who finally jumped to IE 8 would definitely love the changes made in IE 9. IE 6 as we know it is very sluggish and poorly designed or simply it was the best design in the past but time is moving forward and Microsoft folks are not giving much attention in alternative browsing experience offered by other internet browser competitors like Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome among others.

It seems that IE 9 integrated its design with windows 7 making it very useful for Windows 7 users. Pinning websites is very useful if you don’t want to navigate to your favorites. Aside from pinning websites, IE 9 promises of hardware related web acceleration when it comes to graphics or intensive web applications and it does the job very well. IE 9 is a competitive browser but not to a mobile broadband user like me. I installed IE 9 from the moment it was available on Microsoft website. The download was small but the installation wasn’t that fast as promised – considering my internet connection type. When I started the browser it was fast but the thing I noticed was the loading process wasn’t showing most of the time giving me the assumption that it freezes every time I access multimedia websites. The rendering might be brutally fast on fast internet connections but on mobile broadband connection using a proxy, IE 9 is definitely a loser compared to Chrome and Firefox.

I like IE 9 because it is wrapped up with Windows 7 but considering the losing points I just mentioned above, I won’t waste time testing the beta for unresponsive and stressful browsing experience. I hope though that the final version would be of great use to some people like me.

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